Life Changes Plans, My Schedule of Reviews 2013
OK so my plan was to use my GT Carbon Force Pro to do a 650b conversion this year and then review a 29er/650b/26er. Well that isn’t going to happen. I have been honest and upfront with my conflicting obsessions of bike and cars right? Sometimes they collide in ways you wouldn’t expect. So in my morning cruising for sales on bike parts I may also cruise for certain car parts and cars. Luck would have it I stumbled on my greatest weakness a few weeks ago. It was a car I have owned 3 times before and I guess was destined to own again. Anyway, one of the bikes had to go to justify another toy laying around and the Carbon Force paid the price. So now what is my plan for the summer reviews, let me lay that out for you.
I have a multi part review on various brakes coming up, but the series is getting delayed for a really cool opportunity. My best friend is a professor at a nearby university and one of the projects this semester will be to measure the force and power of various bike brake systems. With that I will have some hard data on about 5-6 different brake systems ranging from low end to very high end. Should be fun.
Last major project on the summer is the arrival of my daughter. Right now I am sleep deprived and limited on time for a good couple of years. I will try to share my experiences and any tips or lessons I learn from this as it relates to my biking obsession. OOOrrrrr I may ask for some help and advice how to handle being a dad with a newborn. Wish me luck on this one. It could get ugly, but she sure is cute.