Lets Take a Look…

The Mountain Bike Life has been around for almost 6 months now, and in that time we have released 118 original posts and have hoped that you liked what we write, but what really matters is what you want. If it were not for you we would not be here, you keep our cranks spinning and the ideas flowing. We would love to hear what you want to see here every day, what changes do you think would make this little piece of the Internet better?

We don’t want to rest on our laurels around here and have a few changes in our heads, I can’t tell you everything but I will let you in on a few of the changes, the first will be a logo, and once that is done we would love to bring out some stickers and maybe t-shirts or some other type of way you can show your love for The Mountain Bike Life.Who knows what else we have up our sleeves, but your thoughts will help steer us and build The Mountain Bike Life community. Give us the good bad and the ugly…we want to know so we can make this place awesome for everyone. We love you all and want to bring the best to your monitors every day so tell us what works, what doesn’t and where would you like to see TMTBL go from here.Thank you,Rivers Mitchell
Owner and Rider

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