My Favourite Photos of 2013
I am no photographer by any stretch, but I do enjoy taking photos and once in a while they turn out okay. Here are some of my favourites (at least the ones I could find) that I took last year. Not all biking related, and not all great photos but the memories that go along with them are great. All the photos below were taken with my Samsung Galaxy S3 Phone, takes decent images and I don’t have to pack around extra gear…that’s a win! Click on any of the photos if you want to see a larger version.
There was some great fog this year up at Tzouhalem and I was lucky enough to get some good shots, here is Kyle charging up the trail out of the fog.
On our vacation we stopped in nelson and a friend showed me some of the local trails, after much gasping and leg screaming this was the view. If you really look you can see Castlegar on the right and then Nelson on the left…pretty awesome view.
On the trip back we stayed in a yurt at my dads resort and then took the needles ferry across the lake towards Vernon….I just love this photo. If you are ever in the Nakusp area and want a great place to stay, check out Rock Island Resort and stay in the yurt if you have a chance…it’s magical.
Another photo of my glamorous model Kyle and the fog.
While this is not a great photo, the memory of hot summer nights and great friends will always stick with me, thank you to everyone I have ridden with this year, you made my year even better.
My favourite riding partner and partner in crime Shannon ripping up the trails up at Silver Star, I promise we will get out there more this year Shan.
We are graced with many awesome vistas on Vancouver Island and Sooke has some of the best around. This was taken on one of Sooke Mountain Cycle Wednesday night rides….a great group of dedicated riders out there, keep up the good work!
I have so many photos of my bike it’s not even funny, but this is one of my favourites. Taken on our vacation in Jasper, that is the Jasper Park Lodge int the background. The lakes are so blue up there, it’s amazing…and some good XC riding if you are up for it!
That Kyle is so hot this year! Another foggy shot up on the always fun trails at Tzouhalem.
I don’t often make it out for early morning rides, but when I do I get photos like this one at Durance Lake…not a bad way to start the day.
I love macro shots and this is one of my favourites. Shannon and I were at Muse winery for a nice afternoon brunch when I took this.
When mountain bikers get together to support the local trail systems great things happen, and the opening of the Maple Syrup trail was one of the best get togethers of the year. Here is a group of us at the top of the massive climb ready to descend the knarly trails.
One last foggy shot to end the post off with. This one is currently my desktop image, I love the amazing green of the moss, the sun shining through the fog and the slice of beautiful dirt going through the photo…that was an amazing day of riding.
I would like to thank all of our readers for making our first year a great one and hope that next year brings more rides and good times than ever. We look forward to the next year and all the amazing things that it will bring.